Tina Burdett 24th January 2017

Time has changed our secrets    and the pigtails in our hair; It has changed the silly arguments    and the giggles that we shared. It has changed our childish happiness    to grown-up make-believe, And leaving us with little else,    it has slowly changed our dreams.... Time has come along and changed    the essence of our world; Then finally and silently,    it has changed the little girls. But having taken away the dreams    and the simple things we shared before. Time has led us to the lasting things    we need each other for... Memories of moments    that were made for us to share, The crazy laughter    that's somehow always there, The hidden corners of our lives    only we will ever know, And the love that becomes deeper    and sweeter as it grows. Time changes many things    and some dreams come apart, But nothing can reach or change    the love for you that lives within my heart.